Me Despina Mavromati est une experte reconnue en droit international du sport et une arbitre au sein du Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS). Elle fournit des conseils juridiques aux clubs, athlètes et fédérations sportives sur des questions de droit de contrat, de droit disciplinaire et de gouvernance et les assiste également dans les procédures de reconnaissance et d’exécution des sentences arbitrales. Dr Mavromati est membre de l’Instance de contrôle financier des clubs de l’UEFA (UEFA CFCB Appeals Chamber) et elle a siègé en tant qu’arbitre dans plusieurs tribunaux de fédérations internationales (World Athletics Disciplinary Tribunal; Tribunal indépendant de la Fédération internationale de tennis ; Fondation d’éthique de la gymnastique ; Doping Hearing Panel de la Fédération internationale de Powerlifting). Elle a coécrit (avec M. Reeb) le Commentaire sur le Code du TAS (2015, Wolters Kluwer). Depuis 2018, elle est classée chaque année dans la catégorie WWL Thought Leaders – Sports and Entertainment.
1009 Pully/Lausanne Suisse +41 21 721 04 40 Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required
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Who’s Who Legal Switzerland, 2023Despina Mavromati is a leading name in sports law according to market commentators, who describe her as “an amazing lawyer with immense knowledge and expertise when it comes to disputes before the CAS.
Who’s Who Legal Switzerland, 2022Despina Mavromati enjoys a strong reputation as “a very well-known sports lawyer” with significant experience representing clubs and athletes in complex disputes.
Depuis 2023 | Membre UEFA ICFC |
Depuis 2023 | Arbitre au TAS |
Depuis 2024 | Of Counsel chez valfor |
2022–2024 | Of Counsel chez BianchiSchwald |
2017–2023 | UEFA Chambre d’appel |
2017–2022 | Chargée de cours à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Lausanne |
2017–2022 | Avocate, SportLegis Lausanne |
2008–2017 | Avocate / Managing Counsel, Tribunal arbitral du sport (TAS) |
2003–2007 | Chargée de cours à la Haute école suisse d’enseignement à distance (droit des poursuites et faillites), FernStudien Schweiz et Faculté de droit de Fribourg (droit international privé) |
2002–2003 | Assistante d’enseignement à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Neuchâtel |
2002 | Commission européenne, DG marché intérieur |
2000 | Admise au Barreau de Thessalonique (ΔΣΘ) |
2007 | Docteure en droit, Université de Fribourg |
2002 | M.B. A., Europa-Institut, Université de la Sarre (Allemagne) |
2001 | LL.M., European Law, Europa-Institut, Universität des Saarlandes (Deutschland) |
1998 | Lic. iur., Universität Thessaloniki |
- Ordre des avocats vaudois (OAV)
- Fédération Suisse des Avocats (FSA)
- Ordre des avocats de Thessalonique
- Arbitre au Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS)
- Membre de l’Instance de contrôle financier des clubs de l’UEFA (CFCB Appeals Chamber)
- Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage (ASA)
- Assocation Suisse de Droit du Sport
- Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) (Conseil d’administration)
2025 | Fondatrice / ancien membre du conseil de Women In Sports Law (WISLaw) |
2025 | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb) |
2025 | Comité de rédaction, LawInSport |
2017–2023 | Ancienne chargée de cours à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Lausanne |
2020–2021 | Présidente de la Commission d’éthique et de discipline, IWF |
Publications and Speeches
- Speaker, Termination of Player Contracts with Just Cause, Selected Issues under Swiss Law Current Issues in Player Contracts Conference hosted by the Turkish Football Federation in Istanbul, Türkiye
- Speaker, Latest Developments and Recent CAS Case Law 49th SLA Annual Conference in Baltimore, USA
- peaker, Arbitration and the Olympic Games aConference hosted by the French Olympic Committee in Paris, France
- Speaker, Athletes‘ rights and Regulatory Drafting in International Sports Harvard Law School
- Panelist, Immigration Issues and Sponsoring Opportunities for Elite Athletes Sports Lawyers Association Webinar Series
- Speaker, Sports Arbitration from the Athlete’s Perspective 48th Annual Conference in Los Angeles, USA
- Speaker, Sports Arbitration – Best Practices FIFA Annual Review 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico
- Organiser, Panel Moderator on « Sports Governance” UNIL – CAS Sports Arbitration Forum in Lausanne, CH
- Human Rights Panel Member 8th LawInSport Annual Conference in London, UK
- Legal Aspects of the Qatar World Cup 2022 Hamad Bin Khalifa University College of Law, Qatar
- A comparison of Sports Justice Systems (presentation on the Swiss legal framework) Webinar organized by the Milan Bar Association
- 20th Rex Sport General Assembly & Conference Round table discussion with Dr. Hansjörg Stutzer on the recent Swiss Federal Tribunal case law regarding the independence and impartiality of CAS arbitrators
- Lecture (sports law) at the Temple University Beasley School of Law (invited by Prof. Kenneth Jacobsen) Rome, Italy
- Lectures to the students of the FIFA Executive Programme in Sports Arbitration FIFA offices in Paris, France
- UEFA Appeals Body Member present on-site at the UEFA Euro 2020 London, UK
- Lecture at the UEFA Football Law Program (case law of the Swiss Federal Tribunal)
- Bosman at 25: Contemporary issues in EU sports law (panelist discussing the EU General Court ISU v EU Commission Decision – T-93/18) Webinar hosted by the Edge Hill University
- High-level policy dialogue on sports governance and EU law organised by the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute
- VII Annual Seminar on Sports Arbitration of the Spanish Arbitration Association with Profs. Ulrich Haas, Massimo Coccia, Luigi Fumagalli; Clifford Hendel, Lucas Ferrer et al.
- Comparing approaches in dispute resolution in football (Panel Chair) LawInSport Webinar
- Think Sport Conference organized by the University of Lausanne Round table on the future of sports law and sports governance, with a key lecture by the IOC President Thomas Bach
- Working Group assessing the impact of Covid-19 on procedues in sports dispute resolution with Nick DeMarco QC, Murray Rosen QC, Jeff Benz, Steven Flynn, Kendrah Potts, Roberto Barracco et al.
- Schiefelbein Global Dispute Resolution Conference (speaker on the International Sports Disputes panel with Jeff Benz, Louise Reilly, Kenneth Shropshire and Ray Anderson), Phoenix (AZ), USA
- The Future of Sports Law and Business Conference (speaker) Etihad Stadium, Manchester UK
- Round Table discussion at the 45 Sports Lawyers Annual Conference (speaker) Phoenix (AZ), USA
- Presentation on the UNESCO Anti-Doping Convention at the IX St. Petersburg Legal Forum
- Presentation on eSports and Doping at the RexSport Congress Madrid, Spain
- FIFA Master class on sports dispute resolution University of Neuchâtel
- WISLaw Talk on jurisdictional issues related to football disputes hosted by the Hellenic Football Federation in Athens, Greece
- Presentation at the 29th Annual National Sports Law Institute Conference Milwakee (AZ), USA
- Harvard Law Talk on the Challenges when Drafting Sports Regulations: From Doping to Gender Classification (with Paul Greene), Harvard Law School, Cambridge (MA), USA
- Lunch talk on the Pechstein Judgment (with Prof. Margareta Baddeley) at the 2nd International Sports Law Journal Annual Conference at the Asser Institute in The Hague
- 2nd WISLaw Conference at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne (panel chair at a dispute resolution round table discussion with Michael Beloff QC, Philippe Sands QC & Catherine Pitre).
- UEFA Disciplinary Workshop in Cyprus, Speaker on “The Review of Disciplinary Sanctions in Football Matters and the Question of Proportionality”
- Round Table on Anti-Doping matters (with Michael Beloff QC, Nick Steward QC, Yury Ganus et al.) at the XIII Legal Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia
- Sports Law and Business Conference, (Panelist with Mark Hovell, Samantha Hilas, Gareth Farrelly & Kevin Carpenter) Ettihad Stadium, Manchester (UK)
- Presentation to the Members of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) on Due Process in CAS proceedings Lausanne
- Presentation on “Contractual Penalties in Football” at the CEDIDAC Sports Law Conference University of Lausanne
- Harvard Talk on Arbitration and Athletes’ Rights (with Paul Greene) Harvard Law School, Cambridge (MA), USA
- WISLaw Seminar on Sports Arbitration hosted by the Canadian Olympic Committee (“Corruption cases and the Court of Arbitration for Sport: Jurisdiction, Scope and Limits”, with Janie Soublière and Prof. Richard McLaren) Montreal (Canada)
- Intensive course on sports arbitration (with Prof. Richard McLaren) at the University of Western Ontario (Canada)
- 1st International Sports Law Journal Annual Conference (panelist with Howard Jacobs, Lindsay Brandon et al.)
- LawInsport Annual conference, Panelist, Best Practices in Sports Arbitration with Nick de Marco QC, John Mehzard QC, Jon Taylor QC, Nina Goolamali QC et al.
- Womens’ Career Panel at the New York University, Tisch Institute of Sports Management (organized by Prof. Cameron Myler OLY)
- Tackling Doping in Sport – Presentation “Swiss Law in Doping Cases: why does it matter?” (with Prof. Antonio Rigozzi), London, UK
- Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Istanbul Conference – Presentation on the functioning and the mechanics of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (with Dr Fabrice Robert-Tissot, Ms Carole Mallinvaud and Prof. Antonio Rigozzi), London, UK
- Sports Lawyers Annual Conference, Presentation on the Leading Disciplinary and Governance Procedures before the Court of Arbitration for Sport Los Angeles (CA), USA
- Lecture on the “Consensual” Nature of CAS Arbitration Harvard Law School, Cambridge (MA), USA
- Lecture on the Dispute Resolution at the Olympics, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (with Michael Lenard) TUFTS University, Medford (MA), USA
- Harvard Round Table on Olympic Sports and Doping (with Jeff Benz, Paul Greene and Mary McCagg) Harvard Law School, Cambridge (MA) USA.
- Lecture on the Good Governance and the Rule of Law, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy TUFTS University, Medford (MA), USA
- Presentation on the CAS jurisprudence in Disciplinary Matters at the CAS Seminar Vancouver (Canada)
- Presentation on Sports Mediation at the American Bar Association Fall Seminar (with Prof. Richard McLaren) Montreal (Canada)