GHR Rechtsanwälte advises the owners of OPP Beteiligungen AG and its investors on the sale of BW Service AG
BW Service AG, a company in Utzenstorf/BE specializing in the maintenance of large-scale plants, primarily in the food, paper and building materials sectors, was acquired by Hanseatic Power Service (HPS), Hamburg (an associated company of Ufenau Capital Partners AG, Pfäffikon). The takeover of BW Service AG took place through the acquisition of all shares in OPP Beteiligungen AG, Burgdorf, the parent company of BW Service AG.
HPS is a globally active company in the development, distribution and maintenance of motors, accumulators and machines as well as the assembly and maintenance of large-scale systems. BW Service AG is the first HPS investment in Switzerland and will strengthen and promote HPS Group's range of services.
GHR Rechtsanwälte acted as lead counsel for the legal and tax matters of the sellers. Gerhard Roth led the transaction together with his colleagues Stephan A. Hofer and Nina Häberli.