
KMU SWISS StammTreff "Unternehmensnachfolge"

News 1 March 2024

Am 20. Februar 2024 fand die Afterwork-Veranstaltung "StammTreff" der KMU SWISS statt, bei welcher Stefan Scherrer und Stipe Jozic interessante Einblicke zu den Erfolgsfaktoren und Stolpersteinen bei Unternehmensnachfolgen aus rechtlicher Sicht präsentierten. Ein herzliches Dankeschön gilt KMU SWISS und den zahlreichen Gästen für ihre aktive Teilnahme und den bereichernden Austausch während des anschliessenden Apéros. On 20 February 2024, KMU SWISS' afterwork event "StammTreff" took place, at which Stefan Scherrer and Stipe Jozic presented interesting insights on the success factors and pitfalls of company successions from a legal perspective. We would like to thank KMU SWISS and the many guests for their active participation and the enriching discussions during the subsequent networking.

An article by Stefan Scherrer, Stipe Jozic

New partners. Enhanced expertise.

valfor is pleased to announce the addition of six new partners effective 1 January 2025.

The Lausanne-based law firm Mercuris Avocats, led by partners Olivier Cherpillod, Jean-Michel Clerc, Martine Loertscher, and Maxime Rocafort, will join valfor. Their team, specialising in commercial law, tax, and dispute resolution, will integrate valfor’s Pully/Lausanne office.

Deborah Hondius and Nicolas Gurtner will strengthen valfor’s Geneva office, bringing their expertise in litigation, particularly in white-collar crime and contractual matters.

United by a shared philosophy of delivering value beyond legal advice, they all look forward to combining their skills and resources for the benefit of valfor’s clients. This strategic growth reinforces valfor’s position as one of Switzerland’s leading business law firms, with over 80 lawyers practicing across Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Sion, Zug, Zurich, and Brussels.

With a strong international and interdisciplinary focus, valfor provides tailored legal solutions to meet the specific needs and complexities of each client’s business.

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